Microsoft Previews Internet Explorer 10’s HTML 5 Features


The Internet is expanding every day in terms of users and websites, but it’s really the browsers that help start these expansions. New advances in web architecture take time and effort to make everything work properly, which is why Microsoft is giving you a preview of what’s to come in Internet Explorer 10.  The IE10 Platform Preview 1 in conjunction with the Internet Explorer 10 Test Drive will give you a new experience across a broad spectrum of features.

New demos for IE10 include Speed, HTML5, Graphics and Browser demos. Some Speed demos include FishBowl Benchmark, Paintball, Preschool, Speed Reading, and Maze Solver, while HTML includes Try Strict Mode, Tweet Columns, Griddle, CSS3 Flexbox Flexin’ and The Grid System. Graphics demos include CSS Gradient maker, SVG Gradient Maker, Video Format Support, City of Videos and Flickr Postcards while Browser demos include What People Are Saying, Pin Site Catalog, Tracking Protection, ActiveX Filtering, Icon Editor and many others.

All of these tests can be conducted in a simple browser preview platform. Some of these tests will work in your current browser, but most will require you to have the IE10 Platform Preview 1. Microsoft also says these demos work best with the Windows 7 operating system, since the latest system offers the best compatibility.

Some real world sites using new HTML5 features can be found on the Beauty of the Web.