I was just at Google’s homepage when I noticed a link below the search bar. "Explore eco-friendly travel with Google Maps" it caught my attention, so naturally I followed it and found that Google in partnership with Earth Day Network have created a travel destination portal (not to buy tickets or anything, just a reference site with maps) dubbed Summer of Green that links you to environmentally friendly ways of spending your summer vacations. It has a number of tours for the select destinations, as of this writing they are featuring; Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Orlando, and San Francisco.
I thought it was pretty interesting and found it to be very informational regarding the parks & recreation activities available in those select cities, would be nice to see more cities added to the site. What are your thoughts? Is this Google’s foray/feet wet into travel services like Expedia, Travelocity, and others?
After searching Google, it appears that they started this back in late May of this year, well it’s not bad to be reminded of a good website now, is it? For those of use who didn’t know about it, I hope you find it useful.