Do you like Adobe Creative Suite’s new application icons? If so, you’re in luck because Yasu (known for the Adobe Air application Icon Generator) just released a completely revamped Adobe Air App that allows you to create customized icons similar to those found in CS5. The application also allows you to create CS5 image icons and CS4 icons. You have the option of saving the icons in 5 different sizes and the option to update your Twitter icon from the application.
I will provide you with a brief walkthrough explaining how the application works. If you have any comments or questions, please use the comments form at the end of the guide.
Icons saved with the following dimensions: 256X256, 128X128, 48X48, 32X32, 16X16
Creating and Saving the Icons Locally
1. Click on the Icon Design type.
2. Enter the Logo Name.
3. Choose the color scheme.
4. Click on the Save Icons button to save a copy of the icons locally.
5. Name the file.
6. Click Save.
Open the zip file to view the icons.
Update Your Twitter Icon
Aside from saving the icons to your computer, you can also have the application automatically update your Twitter account’s icon. Follow the steps below to update your Twitter account icon.
1. After you created your icon using the instructions above, click on the Update Twitter icon button.
2. Enter you Twitter credentials.
3. Click? Twitter icon updated.
When you visit your Twitter account, your account icon should have updated.
Download Icon Generator Pro from the Adobe Marketplace.