TV or Computer? Computer Reigns Supreme!


Intel recently commissioned a survey which completed in October of this year which asked 417 respondents across Australia between 16 and 59 years of age which device they would rather hang on to more; their TV or their laptop.

61% said that they could get by without a TV for a week and less than a 1/3 preferred their TVs. Nearly 4/5 of 16-29 year olds preferred the laptop which could indicate that the YouTube crowd are showing signs demonstrating which source of entertainment they prefer as the traditional TV networks slip into obscurity.

But that is not the only indication of taking every day activities more and more online as 67% said they wish they could vote online. Another 41% wanted to be able to get a passport online, 25% wanted to be able to take an eye test over the internet while others go further and wanted to be able to visit a doctor via their computer as well.

Kate Burleigh, Intel Australia’s national marketing manager states that the results indicate a definite shift in our computing habits and in the way we utilize technology. She continues that laptops were once a luxury purchase but now four out of five home computers sold are now laptops. Instead of the old saying of one computer per household, which later went to 2-3 computers per household, we now have one laptop per person.

This becomes more and more obvious through the increased sales of netbooks and the new market of popular tablet PCs which is currently taking the world by storm. So it may not be time to wave goodbye to the traditional family TV set just yet, but we may find that the power button is increasingly unused and our internet connection lines and/or airwaves will be used to carry the same information instead.

The end results of the study show almost half use a notebook rather than a complete desktop machine at home. This also indicates a generation gap with the information generation with 60% of respondents between 16-29 years of age preferring a laptop versus 33% of those aged between 45-59.

Via ITWare.