Top 10 Android Apps Every Phone Should Have


    As more and more users move from older phones to Android-powered phones the need for a comprehensive list of must-have applications becomes more important.

    On this post we’ve compiled a list of some of the most useful Android apps from the Marketplace. We hope you find this list of Android essentials, as indispensible as the apps listed here.

    All apps on the list can be found on the Android Market and will work with most Android phones out there.

    Advanced Task Killer

    Task killerAdvanced Task Killer or ATK, for short, is one of those apps that Android phone can’t go without.

    Why? ATK can manage your phone’s memory by allowing you to quickly close applications that are consuming valuable resources on your mobile phone.

    Advanced Task Killer can be found on the Market for free or $4.99 for the fully featured version.


    Gas buddyDrivers from US and Canada appreciate Gas Buddy very much. This program shows the closest gas station on a map, but it also gives information about fuel prices.

    Thus, you will no longer waste money by fueling you car for a very high price because you can find a cheaper gas station just a few kilometers away. Users themselves report prices since they are Gas Buddy community members.

    There is also a reward system for the most active users. The app can be downloaded from the Market for free.


    HoroscopeAstrology prediction lovers will be delighted by this app which offers the daily, weekly and even monthly horoscope on your mobile phone.

    Download your copy free from market.

    WhatsApp Messenger

    Whatsapp MessengerMessenger Users can send free SMS texts to their friends or chat with them. This app also allows multimedia file transfers (photos, videos and audio files).

    The only prerequisite is that WhatsApp Messenger be installed on the recipient’s device.

    Download WhatsApp Messenger from Market.

    MP3 Music Downloader

    Free musicFree Music Downloader uses a search engine which allows users to download millions of MP3s free of charge. The app has also a file manager system and allows file editing.

    Start your MP3 collection for free.

    Vaulty Free Hides Pictures

    According to its producers, Vaulty Free Hides Pictures is the best app for those who want to hide certain photos or videos stored on their phones.

    There is no doubt about it; we all have at least one photo that we wish to hide from our wife’s, girlfriend’s or friends’ snooping eyes. All we need to do is install this app and chose the discreditable files we wish to hide.

    Keep your pictures private with a free download of Vaulty Free.

    Flash Player 10.3

    FlashThe latest Flash version is perfect for those who want an absolute Web experience. Unfortunately, as you know, Flash uses quite a bit of resources and Android users are likely to experience some issues when devices are underpowered.

    Download Flash and enjoy the web.

    Facebook for Android

    Even the so-called „dumb phones”, with no advanced operating platforms, comprise the world-known Facebook. Therefore, Android systems had to have this app.

    Unlike the versions for simple phones, Facebook for Android has a format which is very close to the version used for web PC/Mac/ Linux browsers.

    Keep in touch with your friends on your mobile phone with Facebook.


    No introduction is needed for YouTube. It is obvious that all smartphone users must have this app installed on their devices.

    Users could also connect to YouTube via their browser, but this app reduces network traffic. Besides, the interface is optimized for mobile phone screens.

    Download the latest version of the YouTube app from Market.

    Kakao Talk

    KakaoKakao Talk has a top place in Android app with over 10 million users. Those who want to communicate with their friends for free, using the data traffic only, can definitely use Kakao Talk.

    This app allows unlimited user number chat groups, it lets users know when they have received messages (with a vocal notice) and allows photo and video file transfer.

    Download Kakao free from Market.

    According to the data provided by Android Market, this is the top 2011 Android apps up to now. There are many more useful apps that deserve a place in the top.

    Two of them are Dropbox and Shazam. To check them out, go to