How to Customize Favorites Bar Title Widths in Internet Explorer 9


Is your Favorites bar in Internet Explorer overflowing with bookmarks? What’s the point of having the Favorite’s bar if all of the bookmarks get pushed to the end as bookmarks with long titles are added? I usually solve this issue by renaming my favorite bookmarks to a blank name so that only the icon appears, but in Internet Explorer this is isn’t issue because there is actually an option that allows you to display only the icons for your favorite sites.

If you’re interested in preserving some real estate on your Favorites bar so that more bookmarks can be viewed, check out the guide below.

Software/Hardware used: Internet Explorer 9 RC running on Windows 7.

Resize favorites bar icons internet explorer 9

Favorites bar with each bookmark taking up a lot of space (above).

Resize favorites bar icons internet explorer 9 a

To change the bookmark’s title widths, right-click any bookmark on the Favorites bar and choose one of the options provided. The default is Long titles, but selecting Short titles or Icons only will give you more space so that more bookmarks appear on the Favorites bar.

Resize favorites bar icons internet explorer 9 b

Favorites bar with Short titles (above).

Resize favorites bar icons internet explorer 9 c

Favorites bar displaying Icons only (above).

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