Google Makes it More Affordable for Small Businesses to Adopt Google Apps


Google Apps, now five years old and over 3 million customers strong, has been an affordable way for businesses to manage their day to day tools to help keep a business running.  Google Apps for Business is now going to be more business friendly by offering a few new features.

The first feature includes a new billing option. The new plan, called the Flexible Plan, will cost $5 per user per month. Since your workforce can change at any minute it’s sometimes cheaper to go on a month-to-month basis rather than using the Annual Plan, which will still cost $50 per user per year.  Payments will now also be due at the end of each month with the new option of direct debit available in select countries.

On May 10, new signups will now be limited to 10 users for free accounts. Anyone signing up before that will still have the ability to expand up to 50 free users. Google says that this is supposed to help them “to deliver on the expectations of our small business customers and invest in new features that will help them succeed.”

The final new feature to help out small businesses is the quicker and easier sign-up process, which will be brought from the multiple page sign-up to just a single page sign-up, without even the need of a credit card.