How to Enable and Lock YouTube Safety Mode


As one of the world’s most popular video sharing website, YouTube hosts millions of videos that anyone with a computer and an internet connection can access. This of course provides content that ranges from how-to guides like these to a video of someone falling off a tree. Like any other website that relies on user-generated content, YouTube contains content that is not exactly kid safe. Do not get me wrong, YouTube does a good job to ensure that profane, sexually explicit, and hateful content does not last long after it is uploaded, but there is always that content that lands in a gray area, which may not violate YouTube’s policies, but may not be appropriate for all audiences. YouTube users usually flag inappropriate content; YouTube then uses this information to help filter the flagged content from video listings for users with Safety Mode enabled.
This guide will show you how to enable and lock safety mode for YouTube that enable filters to keep flagged content from appearing on YouTube. When Safety Mode is locked, users (kids) will not be able to change the Safety Mode setting for the browser even if you are away. Please note that this setting applies to the browser you are currently using. If you are using more than one browser, make sure to apply the setting for each.
Please visit the Protect Children Online Resource page to learn more about keeping your kids safe online.

How to Enable and Lock YouTube Safety Mode

Software Used: Google Chrome 6.

1. Visit the YouTube home page and scroll to the bottom of the page.
2. Click on the Off link next to Safety Mode.
A. The Choose you safety mode box will appear.
Safety Mode: Use YouTube’s Safety Mode if you don’t want to see videos that contain potentially objectionable material on YouTube. While it’s not 100 percent accurate, we use community flagging and other content signals to determine and filter out inappropriate content.

3. Click On to enable Safety Mode.
4. You have the option of Saving the setting or saving the setting and locking safety mode so that no one can change it.
Safety Mode Lock: Prevents others from changing the Safety Mode setting on this browser. Once Safety Mode is locked, it will remain on even after you sign out.
5. If you click on Save and lock safety mode on this browser the page will reload and you will see the Successfully locked Safety Mode setting on this browser message.

How to Disable and Unlock YouTube Safety Mode

1. Visit the YouTube home page and scroll to the bottom of the page.
2. Click on the On link next to Safety Mode.
A. The Choose you safety mode box will appear.
3. Click the Unlock Safety Mode setting button to enable Safety Mode.
4. Enter the credentials used to lock the Safety Mode.
5. You will see the Successfully unlocked Safety Mode setting on this browser message.
Note: When you unlock Safety Mode it will automatically turn it off.