How to Export and Import Keywords in Lightroom

Export Keywords in Lightroom

So you’ve spent countless hours adding keywords to all of your pictures in Lightroom and now you want to be able to share these keywords with friends or would like to transfer them to another catalog in your computer or would like to back them up. The guide below will walk you through the process of exporting and importing Lightroom keywords. If you have any comments or questions please post them below.

Note: I used Lightroom 2 for this tutorial.

Exporting Keywords

Export Keywords in Lightroom

1. With Lightroom open, click on Metadata > Export Keywords… [The Export Keywords window will open]

Export Keywords in Lightroom

2. Browse to the directory that you would like to save the keywords to, name the file, and click Save.

Note: The file is saved as text file, .txt

Importing Keywords

Now that you’ve obtained a keyword file from a friend or from another catalog, follow the steps below to import the keywords to your catalog.

Export Keywords in Lightroom

1. With Lightroom open, click on Metadata > Import Keywords… [This will open the Import Keywords window]

Export Keywords in Lightroom

2. Locate and select the keyword file you wish to import, click on the Open button to import

Export Keywords in Lightroom

Your Keywords should now be imported.