Sign Up for a Free Music Beta Account from Google


In the past few months we’ve seen a ton of cloud music services popup like Amazon Cloud Storage and AVG LiveKive, but now even Google is joining the competition. Google’s new music service, dubbed “Music Beta” is still obviously in beta, but is still a step above other services. Right now you have to request an invitation for Music Beta to use the service for free.

Music Beta allows you to store all of your music on the Google cloud, accessing it anywhere using an Android device. When you upload your music it will be automatically synced on all of your devices, without you having to do a thing. You can either upload from your iTunes player, specific Music folder, or another folder where your songs might be stored on your computer. Once their uploaded you can listen to your songs right from your browser, without requiring any storage space. Some people have more music than their Android device can hold, which makes using Music Beta that much better. However, if you’d like to use some of your devices space you can store your files locally, so that you can access them when you’re not connected to the cloud.

One of the other cool services with Music Beta is the “Make instant mix” feature, which will automatically make a list of similar music of a song. Whether it’s rock and roll or something else, the instant mix should create a good list for you.

Here’s a short video of the new service:

No words yet on how much the service will cost when it’s out of beta.