Two Gmail Labs Features Gradute


If you’re like me, you use Gmail on a regular basis and your inbox tends to get cluttered up. You want to sort everything using the labels feature, but it’s just not detailed enough for you. It doesn’t give you the options that you want, like hiding read labels or hiding labels from subjects. While these two features have been available for a while, you’ve been able to enable these types of features only through Google Labs.

The Hide Labels from Subjects and Hide Read Labels labs features were added in late 2009 and have become a very popular feature and Google has noticed. These two features have now been added to all Gmail users by default, letting the label feature better organize your Inbox.

The migration from Labs to default Gmail features has included some additional upgrades. The Labels settings tab now looks and works better. Labels can now also be hidden individually from the inbox, rather than hiding all of them, like how it was in Labs.

These new features will give you an excuse to actually organize your inbox. Don’t procrastinate any more, go check your inbox for these new features.