Top 5 Golf GPS Apps for the iPhone


If you’ve ever tried to find the right GPS Golf application using the App store you quickly discover that there are a ton of apps with different features, prices, maps and varying degrees of user friendliness.

Rather than putting you through the process of trying to find a needle in a haystack, you can continue reading this story to find out which 5 iPhone Golf Apps we think are the best.

To make things simple we’ve listed the main features and a link to the App on the iTunes store so that you can check it out yourself.

When compared to a dedicated hand-held golf GPS the Golf iPhone Apps do have some shortcomings, but at the end of the day you’ll end up with one gadget less to carry around and the potential to save hundreds of dollars.

If you use any of these apps or have some to recommend, please use the comments form at the end of the article to share your thoughts.



Golfshot has been designed to be easy to understand, use and share. Users require no computer downloads like software, they will have to simply add Golfshot to their iPhone and play golf.

Features like Scorecards, GPS Aerial View, Statistics and GPS list view makes golfer more interesting. Golfshot GPS provides quick, accurate distances for iPhone 3G and 3GS and lets users to track shot at any distant, even approach them to find out exact lay-up club distances.

The score and statistics of all four golfers are saved with faster data backups and golf course syncing.

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Golflink is another popular and user-friendly site for golfers.

With GolfLink, users can find their favorite golf course, track their games, maintain a 4 player score board and calculate shot distances, all of these features make it easier to track shots than ever before.

The USGA handicap or auto calculated handicapping system helps users calculate the net score from the number of strokes actually played. Friends can follow your game including who you are playing with and shots under par.

You can tweet and update your Facebook status within the application.

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GolfLogix is the first application to achieve 100% in course coverage analysis. Having over 25,000 courses within its database, the GolfLogix stands one among top 5 iPhone application competitors.

GolfLogix can map a solid number of targets covering water, doglegs, trees and even 100, 125 and 150 yard lay-ups. Satellite imaging and the capability to determine distance to any point on the golf course is a plus.

Shortest and longest distances can be tracked and saved along with average distance for each club. GolfLogix is easy, fast and fun!

iTunes Download

ViewTi Golf


ViewTi is the only Golf application holding everything that people seek out of the box, with more than 18,000 fully mapped courses made available in more than 25 countries.

GreensView image lets you determine the distance to any chosen target. Even in the absence of cell service, the ViewTi built-in GPS works fine. The scorecard saves the information of the golfers and emails them to users and friends.

Modes like power saving and display readability ensure that your battery lasts and that you can view the screen even in direct sunlight. The simple and clean user interface delivers users a product that complements every round of golf.

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AirVue Golf


AirVue Golf has got over 20,000 courses in its database providing users address and phone number of their course.

AirVue Golf not only displays a regular drawing of the course, but also an actual satellite image which provides you with a completely different experience.

When selected the GreenView option lets user know the front, back and center distances and even plan their game against location hazards.

Once finished with the round, AirVue Golf analyzes the play graphically via Graph GIR, putts per GIR, putts per hole on the iPhone and allows you to email the scores to anyone you choose.

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If you use any of these apps or have some to recommend, please use the comments form at the end of the article to share your thoughts.

This is a guest post from Zara Turner from the UK, she works  full-time as a content writer. She reviews Sat Nav systems that are exclusively released in the UK market.