What Is The Risk Of Relying Exclusively on Free Antivirus Software?


It is true that we have to be cautious with expenses, but getting a low-cost product at the expense of quality has a pay-back-time that will confront us later. I do try to find a balance between price and quality, quality being the priority. What about you? Do you do the same? OR perhaps you always go for a bargain no matter the risk. Finding the balance you need, in some cases, may only be a matter of developing a scale of preference.

Let us take a scenario. If you are in less need for a Smartphone or iPod with internet connection, you can go for one that might have these features but offered at a considerably low price. Hence low-price-tag is the priority and not features. However, you might want to purchase a laptop later. You will definitely decide to throw-in more money in order to get a high quality and dependable laptop. This is where the balance comes in; you are putting in more money for higher quality.

You Need To Protect Your Investments

When you finally get this laptop you will definitely want it protected from various dangers. Handling it with care, using it appropriately and keeping it in a good and recommended place are all good measures but will only protect it against external physical hazards. It is good to note that the greatest threat to your computer is from the inside. These threats are external hazards designed to eat up the internal components of your system.

Should you be concerned about these threats? Considering the rate of various infections in the world of technology today, YES! You should. You really need to start looking for a reliable protection.

Need A Good Bargain For Shopping?

So many people never make the decision of shopping for antivirus software. They always rely on free ones. Are you one of them? No matter what people are telling you about free antivirus software, or how good you might think they are, don’t be fooled. Free antivirus can never give you a reliable protection. They lack some vital features that are included in the full version.

What Will You Get From Paid Antivirus Software?

Paid antivirus suites are designed to give your system all-round protection needed in this digital age. It will keep you updated with the latest threats within your environment and also provide other services like spam blocking, email scan, instant message scan and many more. Have you thought of technical support – a very important feature that you can’t just get by the use of a free version?

“Pay Smart”

You do not protect only your computer; you protect your investment, your time, your personal business and other sensitive information. You avoid the cost of computer service or a total replacement. Purchasing antivirus software is your investment which safeguards you from future losses and expenses. Except from additional services, such as live tech support from the manufacturer’s staff for any arising issues, the buyer receives updated information in the form of newsletters. Discount coupons are also available to internet users for a cheaper download from the best known software producers.

Steven Papas is the owner of VeryBestSoftware.Net, a blog which gives information and reviews on the top internet security software. In his blog you will find the Norton 360 coupon and the recent Acronis Coupons.