Netflix Streaming Lands on iPhone and iPod Touch


If you are  a Netflix subscriber that has been yearning for a way to take your streaming videos on-the-go, now is the time to head on over to the App store to download the Netflix App for the iPhone and iPod Touch. If you’re not a subscriber yet, then this might be another good reason to check out Netflix.

In using the App it appears that it only gives you access to streaming videos, it doesn’t seem that there is a way to browse DVD’s so that they can be queued for delivery. It also appears that you can only manage the streaming queue from this App.

IMG_1228 IMG_1230

When I performed a search for Shrek the results page stated that there were no matches. I checked on my computer and Shrek is not available for streaming. I did the same for several other movies and found that you can only access streaming movies from this app.

Aside from being able to watch streaming movies you can also vie the film’s summary, rate it, and add it to Instant Queue.


Screenshot of video quality of Up! streaming to the iPhone 4.

Mike, thanks for the Tip! This is an iPad/iPhone App Via iTunes.