With the recent launch of Facebook Places and the ability for your friends on Facebook to see where you are and at what time, some users may be concerned with certain friends having access to this information. By default Facebook Places only shares your check-ins with your friends on Facebook so there is no need to panic about the entire world being able to view your check-ins. If you are looking to make your Facebook Places check-ins a bit more private or your wish to broadcast your whereabouts to the world, this guide will show you how to edit Facebook Places privacy settings.
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1. When you log in to your Facebook account, click on the Account button in the top right corner of the page.
2. Click on Privacy Settings from the list.
A. In the Sharing on Facebook section you will notice that there are a list of elements that are shareable on Facebook along with who they are shared with. You will also notice that Places I check in to is only shared with Friends Only.
3. To customize who your check-ins are shared with click on the Customize settings link.
4. Scroll down the list and find Places I check in to and click on the drop-down list to choose the audience you wish to share your check-ins with. You can customize it further by selected Customize from the list.
5. With Custom Privacy you will be able to decide which groups have access to your check-ins and which networks.
6. You will also be able to block specific people from seeing your check-ins.
7. When you are done customizing your settings. Click on the Save Setting button and you are done.