Three New Features Added To Google Social Search


Back in 2009, Google created Social Search, an experiment from Google to share and find new content from your social media connections. This experiment has become so successful that they’ve decided to add three new features to this program.

Instead of all of the Social Search results showing up at the bottom of search results, they will now appear integrated within the Google search. They will appear directly underneath the search result and will include who shared it. This could include blog posts by a friend who had gone climbing on Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Social Search will now also integrate data streams from multiple social sites such as Twitter, Blogger and Flickr and will also appear directly under search results. You can now see who posted what on Twitter and when they did about a topic you’re searching for.

The third feature that has been added to Social Search is the way that you connect your social accounts. Previously you could connect the accounts right through your Google profile, but now you have the option to make your accounts private, thus making your social profile a little more private.

These new changes should be appearing within the week to your Social Search results and your Google account. Check out the video below to see the new features in action; well at least a cartoonish type of action.