15 Tools to Back Up Your Social Media Life


Everything is uncertain, so we always have to have a plan B for a scenario where plan A doesn’t give the desired results. Backup is crucial. Real life or computer data or even social media needs backup regularly. Imagine a business situation when all Facebook content, tweets, blogs, promotional videos or contacts for marketing are lost!

Accounts are prone to hacking, suspension or deletion. Sometimes weird vanishing acts occur. When your business depends solely on internet and majorly on networking, you can be in a big mess. In that case what would you do?

Save time by keeping a backup of your social networking accounts. The backup processes such as remote data backup, file backup, online backup and the offsite data protection are for your aid. You must be clear about what is more important to be a part of your saved data so that there is no chaos. Saving business contacts and missing the data about deals made with them can cost you heavily. We are here to help you with some tools that assist you in this process. Read along to get idea of a good social media backup plan.

Social Media Backup

1. Socialware Sync: The archive on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter with search capability and statistics of activity for better networking protection. Visit Socialware Sync.

2. Backupify: The secure plan with option of daily automatic backup of data on networking sites like twitter, WordPress, Google Docs, Flickr, Gmail and more. Visit Backupify.

Facebook Backup


3. SocialSafe: The tool to get a backup of profile, friends, photos, status records and history option to see the change in profile throughout time. Visit SocialSafe.

4. ArchiveFacebook: Free tool to save your content right from the Facebook account. This is Firefox add-on to save photos, friend list, messages, events, and notes directly into your hard drive. Visit ArchiveFacebook.

Twitter Backup


5. Tweetake: The followers are backed up through this tool, the tweets and people in your list. Visit Tweetake.

6. TweetBackup: Export and backup the friend list and tweets through this tool. Visit TweetBackup.

7. BackupMyTweets: Daily tweet service for backups to view or download the tweets in XML, HTML or JSON format. Visit BackupMyTweets.

Flickr Backup


8. FlickrEdit: Desktop application based on Java for backup or downloading/uploading photos from the Flickr network. Download FlickrEdit.

9. Downloadr: Windows application to transfer and save images from Flickr to your own computer. Download Downloadr.

Blog Backup


10. WP-DB Manager: The WordPress plug-in gives you the option to optimize, backup and restore the database. Download WP-DB Manager.

11. BlogBackupr: The Blogger and WordPress backup service to save your posts, categories, comments, pages and media. Visit BlogBackupr.



12. YouTube Downloader: This software allows downloading of videos including HD and HQ from YouTube and then you may convert them into any desired video formats. Download YouTube Downloader.

13. Free YouTube Download: The single or batch videos from YouTube or a channel can be downloaded through this software. Free YouTube Download.

14. TubeSucker: YouTube video downloader and media control center MySpace. TubeSucker Download.

15. SocialBackster: An interactive desktop application for MySpace profiles for backing up your profile information on your computer. SocialBackster download.

Most of these tools are free; others charge a meager amount that may be worth your social networking business strategies.

Nitin Aggarwal is the founder and owner of Offshore Ally– a virtual assistant and call center company. He’s a passionate blogger and loves to write about SEO, social media, Internet marketing etc.