How to Create Keyboard Shortcuts to Your Favorite Programs
This step-by-step visual guide will show you how to create keyboard shortcuts to your favorite applications and documents. In this example I will make...
How to Get Rid of the Sometimes Annoying Clipboard in Microsoft Office
This step-by-step visual guide will show you how to disable the Clipboard in Microsoft Office from automatically popping up whenever you copy more than...
How to Add A ‘Copy To’ and ‘Move To’ Command to Your Windows XP...
This step-by-step visual guide will show you how to add the ‘Move To’ and ‘Copy To’ command to your context menu. With these two...
How to Turn Off/Hide Google Talk On Your Gmail Screen
Google Talk and Gmail have been fully integrated into one another; Google Talk notifies you of incoming messages and Gmail allows Google Talk to...
Windows Vista Step-by-Step Guides for IT Professionals
Found these while browsing the Microsoft website, probably be working on a couple of Visual guides for these as well as other How-to guides...
How to Create a New Email Message without Opening Outlook
Have you ever had the need to send an email, but were slowed down because Outlook wasn't open? I sure have and I'm all...
How to Disable the Windows XP Welcome Screen
This little guide will show you how-to disable the Windows XP Welcome Screen.
How to Customize Your Computer Drive Icons
This little guide will show you how-to change the icon on any drive on your computer from the default icon. There are two ways...
How to Disable/Enable File Extensions in Windows XP
This little guide will show you how-to disable/enable the file extension on any file from being displayed. This is useful when you rename files...
How to Recover Your Lost Windows XP Password
If you find yourself in this predicament there are tools available to help you. Visit Login Recovery, the author of this site offers a...
Securing Your Wireless Network
In this step by step guide I will show you how to increase your wireless networks security. This guide was created using a Linksys...
How To Obtain Your MAC Address in Windows XP
Have you ever tried to join a school's wireless network and were asked to provide your laptop's MAC address for validation? If so, this...