Fraud and Security Issues with VOIP for Businesses


VOIP-based business phone systems are doing a lot for business. VOIP (Voice/Video Over Internet Protocol) technology has come a long way in a very short time, and while most of VOIP applications were based around consumer use.

It did not take long for business to adapt and create full-featured systems to integrate standard calling, extension possibilities and just about everything else any business needs with a business phone system.

Voip article imageEach time you contact a contact centre, your standard call is being diverted anywhere around the world so a representative can handle your call. This is how many companies are providing 24-hour call centre services in many languages.

The people working in those call centres are working during the day, or they are living in the country of the language you have chosen on the service menu.

At the same time, in any booming business, we have to be careful when we are selecting our vendor. Here are some of the scams you should be on the look-out for, and what you need to make sure you have.

DoS (Denial of Service)

DoS is the probably the biggest threat to enterprise and business. DoS attacks can come from two sources. The worst cause is by your own provider. Some providers are doing this to generate more revenue by charging extra fees to repair whatever ‘damage’ caused the break in service.

The other threat is from hackers who penetrate the communication data packets being sent through the internet, and ‘jam’ the communications by pushing in more packets to create mayhem.

Most VOIP operator’s applications and communication protocols will even prevent any ISP to know where any communication is coming from, and this creates a cover for the hackers.

Fee Threats

It could be too late when you realise your next VOIP bill arrives from your provider to stop hackers who have penetrated your system, and have been making multiple calls and video calls at your expense.

VOIP calling is particularly vulnerable to attack when compared with the older PBX systems because they internet networks and not closed PBX wired networks for a single company. At the same time, a VOIP-network for your company can be a network around the whole world.


When I am out of the office, I can divert my traditional office phone to my mobile phone. That is a great service if I have money to burn. With a VOIP-based business phone system, all of the people working in my team have an extension on our system, and it does not matter where they are in the world, whether in their office, or on their mobile phone, the caller does not know, and the costs are negligible.

Even when we ignore the issue of diversion, and just consider the ability of having a phone system that allows our extension numbers to be anywhere in the world, there is absolutely no comparison with tradition phone calls and traditional phone calling cost.


Phishing continues to be a big part of criminal activity on the internet. We all know those letters that come in our email telling us to help someone to get money out of a bank account in another country. They are looking to get your personal details, so they can steal your money. Phishing has hit serious levels with online recruitment and job websites.

Does it sound like I have had enough of my national carrier and the expensive costs of poor service and minimal features? To put it bluntly, I have had enough of paying too much. On top of that, I am already used to video calling, and don’t feel a call without an image of the person on the other end of the phone is enough.

I am also eagerly awaiting the release of the new Windows 8 operating system, so I can take even more advantage of VOIP systems, because my smartphone, business phone system and all of my other computer devices will be running on the same operating system.